Jan Primrose
Hello, I’m Jan Primrose. I am the Deputy Secretary of the Australian Services Union NSW & ACT Branch.
I oversee the ASU’s Professional Standards and Safety Unit and support the work of the College. I have worked for government, unions, in the education, health and the community sectors.
My career includes working in child protection, domestic and sexual violence, community advocacy, community mental health, community disability sector, research, education and training.

Helen Westwood
Hello, I’m Helen Westwood. I work with Jan in the Union’s Professional Standards and Safety Unit and support the work of the College.
I have a career that has included being an elected representative at a local and state government level. Across my career I have been a strong advocate to improve resources for women and the community sector.
I have a commitment to advocating for the rights of people with disability and women’s rights, in particular women’s reproductive rights and the elimination of sexual and domestic violence.